Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Influence of Technology and Science in my life


First things first, technology is something scientific used in a way to produce something industrial or commercial, these things can be electronic or digital.  But from my own point of view I'd say technology is everywhere these days, it can be in the clothes you wear like the exciting dress i mentioned before, plus we need to think in terms of where all this came from. Let me talk business, primary, secondary and tertiary sector, primary is where all the natural resources are taken into the secondary sector where there will be the production process which involves technology, machines, mass product then it will go into the tertiary sector where people like you the consumer will be exchanging that good or product for money which was also produced electronically. I mean the PC i'm typing on is also technology, where it came from there was also technology. Will further elaborate the point that technology could be anything and is everywhere through my personal life later on, like how many things do you use in a day that involves technology? 


science is all about applying knowledge in order to understand the natural and social world following with a systematic methodology through evidence.


Knowledge and thoughts that are inherited, this is more like when you're trying to find out about something you don't know, keep in mind that you don't know it, finally you get the definition and summarised it in your own way and presented, thats what reflexivity is all about.
There can be two types of reflexivity, personal and epistemological, personal refers to one's values and beliefs, the other refers to and is based on the information and knowledge found.


This is more like a brag or over reliance in technology for the society. More like a belief that technology is everything, that it should be the main function in every possible way to the community or society.

How much influence my day has with technology

Like i said technology can be found in a lot of things, i found myself noticing that technology has a huge influence on me, which can be a bad thing for a designer too cause uniqueness is found in detail, natural, hand drawn innovative things. Like William Morris, he thought technology took away that uniqueness and detail when you're working with your hand, he thought 'nature is beauty' which i think is true and i feel like technology is taking us away from that.

Like i said, technology is everywhere! it can be found in...
The iron and plugs i use, including the airwick, produced from natural and gone through technology processed machines so i can get product like these to make my life simple. 

 My tablet, a technology produced gadget which also gives me all sorts of access through technology itself. my wine glass, i love wine glasses and wine, which was produced a machine which is techno produced.

 same thing goes for my candle, bulb, lights, switch for lights, shoes, clothes which are all mass produces through machines (technology). We are in the modern days, things aren't as unique as they used to be.

 I can't say my shoes or clothes are special or have the special unique touch to it, things are produced in bulk these days and a machine is 'just', its not like the hand, the hand can create to or three things that are the same but there will be something totally different about each and everyone of those.

 Technology is also in the designs i create through the pencil and ruler i use to scanning what i design to In-Design on the monitor, the the paper and printing process that is involved, All technology.
 The products i use, the advertising process that is involved in it.



In my own understanding, zeitgeist is a particular style, feel, or ways of a particular time or generation. Scholars would define it as “general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place (m.webster).” Design in relation to the zeitgeist comes through as zeitgeist reveals personality of design in details that breakthrough overtime.

Information found on the zeitgeist was mostly about design or anything that involves timelines or generations that lead to improvements of art, design and technology today.
It is hard enough to find a reliable source on the internet, especially the first couple of sites have no reliable sources at all. For instance, if a terminology is taken from a site that has no reliable source or date and used, its considered as an unreliable source, therefore, the term might have come from anyone and could be a lie.
Basically a good source has names of authors; dates published and includes titles that are very specific on what one is looking for, and that's what i've discovered through my research.
Context can also be very helpful; for instance, imagine two stories viewed out in front of you, same topic, one explains it all but you have no idea where it came from, in other words, no source. The other story does the same thing but this it includes the writer. The one without a name wouldn't help at all and is taken as irrelevant. This also applies when it comes to in-text referencing.
Key words also play a great role when you're trying to find relevant research, for example, if you were searching for the history of something, always be specific, for instance 'the history of zeitgeist,' specifying the keywords 'zeitgeist history' will truly help one to find exactly what they are looking for otherwise one would struggle if they only searched 'zeitgeist.' It would take a lot of digging just to find what they need.