Monday, September 1, 2014

Utopias and Manifestos (group manifesto)

What is a Manifesto?
A manifesto is a statement written that openly views and presents future plans, thoughts and opinions of an individual or group on specific issues.

Manifesto of surrealism by Andre Breton (1924)
Surrealism is all about unrealistic, dreamland view of the world. Andre Breton's manifesto helps view its Utopia as an area where reality doesn't exist; distorted land, where dreams are more real than real, a place where wealth and poverty doesn't mean a thing, where he's still a new born and in reality a grown up, a "psychic automatism in pure state," is the recipe of a surrealists perfect world.

Cubism by D.J.Lingelbach
The cubists perfect world is an area where shapes, colours, and emotion exist, they view the world and look at it in many perspectives, their world is constructive and forth dimensional, an abstract world.

Dada manifesto by Tristan Tzara (1918)
The dada world is more of an "I don't Care" world, where vandalism knows no boundaries, where one's voice is heard. This is the type of world that shows that if an individual had to surpass it in reality they would be shot, well especially during that time, these days its more like something that is encouraged. Its utopia is full of rebellion, attracts journalists and artists mostly, Anti-bourgeois is the perfect word to describe Dada's ideal Utopia.

Bauhaus manifesto by Walter Gropius(1919)
The utopian world for the Bauhaus was a world of art being in a building that its ornamentation as the purpose of the visual arts. That the world of mere drawing and painting of draughtsmen  and applied artists must at long become a world that builds. to create the buildings for the future that would unite every discipline, architecture and sculpture and painting.

 De Stijl manifesto by Theo van Doesburg(1917)
The De Stijl movement was influenced by the Bauhaus but their views where different the utopian world for them was to see reality in all the produced. They didn't depict nature in its natural appearance. they were the founders of Plastic art  who believed in the reformation of art and culture to eradicate obstacles. They have eradicated all which blocks pure artistic expression, the ultimate consequence of all concepts of art.

Personally, the Tv show gossip girl that has come to grow on me portrays a world of the young, modern and rich, their world is manipulated by gossip, love, friendship but mostly gossip defines and moods their scenery and so does it ruin them.

When going through Facebook, the new generation easily gets bored and as a result you find teenagers  talking about alcohol and drugs and most of them feed on drama. Everyone is wanting the next best thing, for instance technology, music is an important essence, influences how they feel or portray. It's a rebellious generation, they could be surrealists or Dadaists. Christianity also plays a huge role in the social world more than other religions, but one can see this generation is also looking for something to believe in, they thirst for belonging.

Quinette Martins and Endria Chipangula
As a group of two we have come up with our own manifesto which was inspired by our cultures,creativity, personalities, desire for success, believes and the manifestos we have discussed. For our manifesto we decided to to use quotes which we feel relate to use in the aspects that inspire us.

We blve tht a strng exterior is importnt to nvr show any signs of  weaknss but always of gr8 strngth. Tht whn the going gts tough we dnt get going.

Keeping our wrk direct and sr8 to the point and having designs of simplicity and no complications.

Self-confidence- Our fuel for achieving gr8er and beyond our imagination. Our daily neccesity and provider for fulfilling our ful potential. 
the receipt to achieving includes wrking hard and we know its one of its sweetest ingridients which makes the output sweeter.Nvr to burn our bridges with people  we wrk with, play with, and wrk for.
Nt evrythng in the wrld has to b changed bt enchanced &imprvd which is 1 of our principles. y fix it if its nt broken.
We cherish our minds as it brings us our cr8tivity and a perfect imagination wrld which we transl8 into our designs and bring to live thru illustrations, story telling, personality, humour, and imprtantly our personal identity and mark in this wrld. wit so many possibilities it brings its definately a colourful masterpiece which emulates a palette wit millions of colours, shades and tints.
Perseverance of self growth is essential our goal is nt to be jst gud but to become the bst tht we can become. 
The power of our success is in God and our minds, we feed our minds with positvity, courage, bravery, cr8tvity, self-love and imaginations of gr8 accomplishmnts.  
when we feel dwn and out we hold on to our knowledge of our potential, and our inner strength wisphers to us and lets knw tht thigs are going to get better. 

 lyk candi brngs joy to childrn aftr and injection frm the doctor it releases the painful memory. creativity does the same for us thru it we can forget our problems and bad situations tht we encounter.


As crea8tvs we cum up with ways to do things diffrntly and smartly. we stand out from the rest. challenge our slves to come up wit circular cre8tve ideas which would rotate from generation to generation. 
now we hav learnt the power behind taken action and wht it does to doubt it kills it, everytym we have thought we wouldnt b able to do a certain task once we have tried which lead to conquer and defeat of doubt.
The intensity of how much we blve in our dreams and making thm happn is crazi , brobdingnagian and immaculate with no believe of doubt or a possibility of them not coming thru. 

Matters of the heart affect us we belve in true lve the magical, unbelivable , mysterious feeling of lve the picture of it is clear in our mind and painted by our imagination and left in the hands of destiny. 
we know we blesed tru our families God has put us in them for a great reason. For the lve we recive is unconditionally and pure. family comes frst no matter what.

Action speaks louder thn wrds we doers, each day we live we work towards wrking our dreams thts our main purpose. looking from whr we strtd we defin8ly on the right track.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

World War 2: the atom bomb

A young survivor of the united states atomic attack on Hiroshima, japan in 1947

The bomb was so horrific that one witness to the event 'J.Robert Oppenheimer' said that a line from the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture, ran unbidden through his head saying "now i am Death, the destroyer of worlds."

A survivor of the United States atomic a

Political cartoon


Children's Literature and Illustration
The first illustration is one i love the most, its simple, clean, colourful and has amazing illustrations. This was illustrated by Kate Greenaway in the 1800's, it portrays tender attitude, cuteness, innocence, fantasy, sentimentality and entertainment/fun. I'm fascinated with Kate Greenaway's work because of all her works key characteristics, the detail but simple and clean effect on them is the style I'm into the most. The second illustration "Hey Daddy" where the dish runs away with the spoon below is done by Randolf Caldecott in the 1900's, its a tale that personified spoons, plates, cats making music. Its colours and shapes used are very simple and clean. I'm interested in things that are simple yet very well thought of and in this was nicely done.
The last image is a modern illustration done by David Delamare, called "Humpty Dumpty" a remarkably detailed and truly elegant illustration.  This one comes from the use of Lithophane.

Photography and new media


Portraits took some time to develop in the late stages. Its always hard to get a perfect image when drawing, some artists are brilliant enough to capture their model perfectly but there’s always something slightly different and it would take hours, people needed records or memories to keep and cherish. Portraits in 1950’s took different form of photography methods that leads to todays perfect picture and people get to do it them selves without needing an artist, pictures developed from Joseph Neipce’s Heliogravure, Louis Jacques Daguerre’s Daguerreotype, William henry fox Talbot’s Calotype and Fredric Archer’s Colodion. The portrait image above on the right is a daguerreotype and the other one is a modern image showing todays perfect color and quick motion in pictures.

This is Eadweard Muybridge’s documentary of horses in motion trying capture if horse at some point does lift all feet off the ground. Todays documentaries are more complex and colorful, they are not limited from photography to film documentaries, they show us the happening in the world when we are not able to see it, and they do the in perfect picture as you can see in the image below. Under that is an industrial revolution image that used to document the situations in the working areas, man became machine.


Fashion in the 1850's was more simple and colourful, don't get me wrong, its the same thing today but this time its more complex and carefully thought of, everyone gets their own style. In the 1850's the styles were more relative not as complex as fashion is today, and fashion todays leads to more revealing clothes that way back when it was all pretty but respective at the same time.

Sports today and 1850's

Sports in the 1850s can be related to today, the difference is that today its more advanced in terms of fashion and tracks are thought through.


The difference about the paparazzi today is that their technology/cameras are more advanced today and get to capture pictures quickly, otherwise they are still as annoying and everywhere as they were yesterday.



I thought William Morris was a perfect example when it comes to print, he was naturalistic, believed that technology takes the work away from uniqueness. Which i find very true, todays work is more lazy because its done digitally unlike back when scribes would give special attention on their work and each book was different and specially done. Otherwise work today is still as brilliant, like paul Paul Renner's print work below.