Sunday, August 31, 2014

Photography and new media


Portraits took some time to develop in the late stages. Its always hard to get a perfect image when drawing, some artists are brilliant enough to capture their model perfectly but there’s always something slightly different and it would take hours, people needed records or memories to keep and cherish. Portraits in 1950’s took different form of photography methods that leads to todays perfect picture and people get to do it them selves without needing an artist, pictures developed from Joseph Neipce’s Heliogravure, Louis Jacques Daguerre’s Daguerreotype, William henry fox Talbot’s Calotype and Fredric Archer’s Colodion. The portrait image above on the right is a daguerreotype and the other one is a modern image showing todays perfect color and quick motion in pictures.

This is Eadweard Muybridge’s documentary of horses in motion trying capture if horse at some point does lift all feet off the ground. Todays documentaries are more complex and colorful, they are not limited from photography to film documentaries, they show us the happening in the world when we are not able to see it, and they do the in perfect picture as you can see in the image below. Under that is an industrial revolution image that used to document the situations in the working areas, man became machine.


Fashion in the 1850's was more simple and colourful, don't get me wrong, its the same thing today but this time its more complex and carefully thought of, everyone gets their own style. In the 1850's the styles were more relative not as complex as fashion is today, and fashion todays leads to more revealing clothes that way back when it was all pretty but respective at the same time.

Sports today and 1850's

Sports in the 1850s can be related to today, the difference is that today its more advanced in terms of fashion and tracks are thought through.


The difference about the paparazzi today is that their technology/cameras are more advanced today and get to capture pictures quickly, otherwise they are still as annoying and everywhere as they were yesterday.



I thought William Morris was a perfect example when it comes to print, he was naturalistic, believed that technology takes the work away from uniqueness. Which i find very true, todays work is more lazy because its done digitally unlike back when scribes would give special attention on their work and each book was different and specially done. Otherwise work today is still as brilliant, like paul Paul Renner's print work below.

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